((This was actually posted on my tumblr on Saturday. Sorry it took so long to get here.))
It’s done.
I just made the facebook post and now I’m posting here. I feel like screaming it from the rooftops, but its damn cold out and I dont know how to get to the roof anyway, so the internet will have to do.
I’ve finished my book.
Well, it still needs to be edited, and it’s only a first draft. But its a novel. It’s a whole book that people can read. It’d be really crappy if you read it right now but like, you could. It’s finally finished.
I posted about this a little awhile back, when I finished the third part, or maybe it was the second. I broke it up into four parts so that I could go piece by piece, and it made it easier to manage the story. I celebrated everytime I finished a part, usually by baking myself something like cupcakes or brownies. This time I’ve decided to get a cake. I cant bake because I have no oven but yeah. I dont know when Ill do that, maybe tomorrow but probably next weekend as I’ve got homework. For tonight I have a chocolate bar. Yes I love sweets and goddammit I deserve them because I wrote a fucking book.
Oh my god, it feels so good to say that. I’m saying it outloud as I type this. I wrote a book. Theres so much difference between that and “I’m writing a book,” or, “I’d like to write a book.” In my case, three years difference. I think it was three years. I cant remember how many times I started and stopped, then went back and rewrote. I cant remember how long it was between the first chapter and the next, and all the other little breaks in between. The first part was the longest. The second part also long. Third flew by like nothing. Fourth… a bit of both.
I first came up with the idea when I was in eighth grade. I wrote my first book in seventh grade. Well, it was really more of a novella. And it sucked. Lets just leave it at that. I had ideas for other books, but none of them were anything like this one. When I came up with it I didnt want it to be a book at all, I wanted it to be a comic. I still do. Thats actually what I have to do once the editing on this is done, make a comic script. I can do both of course come on. I made a little comic at the end of the year, and everyone loved it. And the idea never left.
People get ideas and they grow out of them. They come up with new stuff. Or maybe they dont. I didnt. And I hope I never do. Its changed so much since then. Oh jeeze, originally I wanted a horror-comedy series, kind of like a sitcom. hooboy. Now it’s an EPIC (thats right i said it. its epic.) fantasy adventure horror romance action series for teens. Um… I have a bit of trouble with genres. It’s changed because I’ve changed. I grew up with it. It kept me sane as a teenager and now it defines my life in so many ways.
I have other ideas for stories, which might be better than this one, who knows. But this is my first. It means more to me than anything. I cant describe truly… I hope I gave you a bit of an idea in the splooge above. And no doubt theres so many spelling and grammar mistakes youll wonder how im a writer at all.
The name of my series is My Guardian Demon. The first book is called Sympathy for the Devil.
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